“Help is on the way, dear”

Simple, Sustainable
Home & Garden Help

Professional trades vetted by us,
to be as eco as we are

Garden Maintenance

Embrace a thriving garden and clear conscience with TMH’s reliable and carbon-neutral garden maintenance services and eco-friendly products.

Home Cleaning

Eco-friendly and organic products make up the arsenal of our approved cleaners. Tough on grime, kind on the environment!

Handyman & Repairs

Carbon neutral experts in DIY, odd jobs and all those to-do list items that just never quite get ticked off!

Exterior & Window Cleaning

Windows, solar panels, driveways and everything outdoors that could do with a carbon neutral scrub are a cinch for our vetted professionals.

Ask An Expert

Book a 15 minute call with one of our experts to discuss your next project and get the best advice on where to start!

Read All About Us

Our mission to revolutionise sustainable Home & Garden management has featured in:

Easy Peasy

We’re as simple as we look. You can easily prepay bookings
through our app or this website, or if you prefer – you can even give us a call.

Streamlined for you!

Our app makes it simple to book your service, pick up any extra household essentials and track your arrival times and job status.

Need some quick advice?
Ask The Expert

Book a 15 minutes consultation with one of our experts in Garden Design, Planting & Horticulture or Interior Design.

Become a partner

Find local jobs that fit your skills and schedule. With TMH, you have the freedom and support to be your own boss.